Inspirations - Librarians

I feel as though I’ve already done a blog on this, but then I glanced back through and found I hadn’t. How is that even possible? I love Dean Devlin. I mean, I don’t love him THAT way, but I’m pretty sure if I ever met him, I could.

Leverage was such a fun show. Mind you, it wasn’t haute cinema, it wasn’t complex theater or Shakespeare, but that’s part of what I loved about it. Sometimes, you want something like Jessica Jones, or Lost, or anything else that makes you think and consider. Sometimes a neat package with a great story all wrapped up is far more satisfying. I loved Leverage for that, and I’m still cranky about not having another five seasons.

So much character development. If there’s anything I love about that show, it’s seeing characters develop, and Librarians is doing the same thing. Even though it’s an episodic show with that episode’s particular challenge, there’s a lot of change from week to week. Cassandra, Ezekiel, and Jacob (and Eve) go through so much together, and each week you get to see the slow genesis of that time spent with each other. 

Granted, I just about did my impression of a blue whale with the high pitched screaming noise I made when Beth Reisgraf had a guest appearance. But regardless, I’m a big fan of the show, and I can’t recommend it enough.

It has the sort of charming, devil-may-care, waiting for a mad man with a box sort of appeal that Doctor Who has. Flynn isn’t Doctor Who, and he’s also not in every episode, but he’s a fantastic presence even when he’s not there. Eve Baird, played by Rebecca Romjin, is the gun toting bodyguard sort. Christian Kane plays an art nerd. I mean, you can’t go wrong there.

Cassandra and Ezekiel are both relative newcomers, from my understanding, but I love them all the same. It’s very clear that the cast really enjoys each other’s company and is having a fantastic time together. It shows in everything they do. The camp, the fun, the wacky adventures… While it doesn’t fit any of my style of stories, that’s okay - it’s still nice to remember that not everything can be urban horror fantasy.


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