So I’ve been dropping hints of a new year’s surprise for a couple of months now, and tonight I can finally share the goods: Harmony Black is out early. As in, it’s out right now. Right this minute. But wait, it’s a better surprise than that: Harmony has been chosen as a Kindle First selection for the month, which means you can either get it at a steep discount or possibly…free? How does ‘free’ sound?

Here’s how it works: head on over to Amazon's Kindle First page. If you have an Amazon Prime subscription, Harmony Black is 100% free. (Or you could get any one of the other monthly selections for free, but you’re gonna pick Harmony, right? Sure you are.)

If you don’t have Prime, you can still get Harmony at a heck of a discount -- $1.99, down from the $5.99 list price. Not too shabby! This deal runs through the end of the month, at which point the book goes back to its full cover price. February 1st is also the day the paperback and audiobook versions come out. Audio listeners, I wasn’t involved in the production this time so I’ll be hearing the audiobook at the same time you are, but the publisher hired Christina Traister as the narrator so I think we’ll be in good hands.

I’m super-excited to be sharing the start of this new series with you, and being able to bring it to you discounted or free is just the cherry on the supernatural sundae. I really hope you enjoy it! Happy New Year, everybody – let’s make this the best one yet.
