Revised Reading Order (now with charts!)

This space between week-apart holidays always feels like a strange limbo to me; do you ever get that feeling? Anyway, I'm doing some gardening (figuratively) and getting everything ship-shape for the new year to come, starting with revising the long-neglected reading order list for both of my fictional settings.

Instead of just a straight list of titles (boring), I tried to work up a little more visual flair (and to make it clear that no, you don't HAVE to read the entire canon, here are all the books where you can jump right in if something about them catches your eye.)

The first draft illustrated direct links between different series and their books down to cameos and Easter eggs, but the chart turned into an unreadable mess of dotted lines, as one might predict. I'll figure it out for the next revision.

I hope you're all having a good week and staying warm out there!


New Year, New Beginnings Sale


Down Among the Dead Men: Now on Audible!