Ghosts of Gotham is available now!

Well, after a year and a half of research, writing, edits, more edits, and countless sleepless nights, Ghosts of Gotham is here. This is a milestone for me, as a writer; I set out intent on challenging myself, aiming to improve my skills and tell a story not quite like any I’ve ever told before – and one that is very, very close to my heart. We’ll see if I succeeded, but I can say that I tried my best. I hope it speaks to your heart, too. As I’ve said before, this book is a love letter. Here’s where you can find it:

The book:

The audiobook:

(It looks like it’s slowly rolling out, so if it’s not yet live in your time zone, it should be in an hour or two.)

The new Daniel Faust and Harmony Black novels are both finished, Faust is currently in editing, and they will both be out later this year; I’ll give you more info as soon as I have something solid, but I’m aiming for Harmony to come out (finally!) around Halloween. And in August, my new friends at Thomas & Mercer Publishing will be bringing you the first book of the Charlie McCabe series.

(Also, regarding the too-long-delayed audiobook version of Bring the Fire, I’m talking to Audible about it. It was finalized and approved two months ago and appears to have gotten stuck in some kind of internal queue over there. I’m looking for the problem, so that I can poke the problem with a pointy stick.)

So, yeah. The new book. It’s here. Kind of a special day, and the culmination of a lot of sweat and tears. The Ghosts of Gotham saga is a brand-new adventure, and this is only the beginning. I can’t wait to share it with you.


Bring the Fire: Now on Audio!


One week left! And a website overhaul.