The Loot is up for pre-order!

Happy Saturday, everybody! I poked my head out of my office just long enough to discover that the pre-order page for The Loot, my first book with Thomas and Mercer Publishing, has gone live. (I also discovered that I'm almost out of Feisty Cherry Diet Coke, but that's not your problem.) The Loot will be coming in August, chasing on the heels of Ghosts of Gotham in April. The last round of copy-edits is a wrap, and it's shaping up nicely! It's a departure from my usual fantasy/horror fare, but every writer needs to stretch their legs now and then.

Meanwhile, I'm finishing final review on the audiobook version of Bring the Fire today, so that should be coming out very, very soon. And on that note, I wanted to signal-boost a really fun project. You may know Susannah Jones as the voice of the Revanche Cycle and the Wisdom's Grave trilogy (as well as the upcoming Ghosts of Gotham audiobook). Along with show creator Whitney Hudson, Susannah's been doing a comedy webseries called Certified Guidance. Four episodes are up now, and this thing just keeps getting funnier, so if you need a laugh (don't we all?) give it a look!


One week left! And a website overhaul.


There and Back Again