"Free" is Faust's Favorite Price

Hey everybody, hope you're having a great week so far. A number of you might remember the launch of The White Gold Score, a Daniel Faust novella; because of how my writing schedule wound up, I realized it was going to be a full year between novels, and I really hated making y'all wait that long. So, I wrote it as half-apology, half a story to tide folks' appetites over until October. Oh, and when it launched, I gave it away for free, because...because I do random things like that sometimes, to my accountant's chagrin.

A lot of you have found my books in the time since, and with The Castle Doctrine one month from release, I figured it was a good time to share the wealth. So, from right now until the end of Saturday, The White Gold Score is once again free. For folks who have only read the Harmony Black or Revanche books, this novella was also written as a stand-alone introduction to the Faust series; it's technically book 1.5, but only has a couple of references to The Long Way Down and you can pretty safely dive right in.

(Well, I don't know about "safely"...)

Oh, and for everybody waiting for The Castle Doctrine's release on 10/1, you'll definitely want to have read this one. A couple of characters introduced in The White Gold Score will be making their return next month, for better or for worse. Probably worse. Almost definitely worse.


Greetings from Editing Hell


Happy Women's Equality Day!