Happy First of Spring!

I started working around dawn this morning, drinking my coffee under an overcast, stormy sky. Then, in the space of maybe twenty minutes, the clouds drifted off and in came the sunshine. Despite all the darkness in my books I'm pretty much fueled by mornings and sunlight (and caffeine), so nothing picks me up faster than a house flooded with the morning sun.

It's the first day of spring, and for me, that's all about possibilities. There's a whole warm spring ahead, then summer, and the colors of autumn, months of potential just waiting to be turned into something great. I hope you're making plans of your own, and reaching for new goals. Now's the best time to do it!

Work on The Castle Doctrine is well underway, and so far, I'm feeling good about it. Faust is back in Vegas, there's trouble on the doorstep, and the whole crew is back together again. (Including visits from a few Chicago friends, the return of Nicky and the Twins, and a brief cameo by a certain character from Harmony Black...)

Of course, the second Harmony book is on track to launch at the end of April, and the final Revanche Cycle novel, The Queen of the Night, is in my editor's ever-capable hands and aiming for a July launch. And I've just approved the audiobook versions of The White Gold Score and Terms of Surrender, so those should be coming out in another month or so. Lots of fun stuff coming down the pipeline, and I can't wait to share it with you. Happy Spring, everybody!


The White Gold Score is Here -- on Audio!


On International Women's Day